Life Saving Rejections – Teaching CD

$ 10.00

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My favorite teaching that the Lord has given me – how God uses rejection as a tool in our lives to produce true security in Him.

When I was studying the topic of Rejection, I looked the word up in the dictionary and found that it came from a root word that means “to throw back”.  Immediately this brought a picture to mind of fishing with my dad when I was a little girl.  If my blue gill that I had caught was too small we would throw it back, so that’s what came to mind, the image of a little fish making an arc through the air, landing “sploosh” in the water and swimming away – unaware that it had just experienced a life saving rejection!  

We all experience rejections at various times in our lives, and it hurts so bad to lose relationships, possessions, or position that had given us a sense of self worth, identity and acceptance.  But God can use these painful losses to produce a true sense of who we are in Christ, and our security in the Father’s unconditional love.  Like the little fish of my childhood, we have the opportunity to cut through the surface, to go deep with the Lord and grow. 


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