It was an honor to be part of the She Leads Windsor Consultation. The location alone was phenomenal! The women who participated are powerful servants of the Lord! Thank you, Liz Doyle, Founder of She Leads America, for bringing this historic meeting together.
She Leads ladies refer to themselves with a smile as “solutionaries” – radical Christian women who are serious about serving the Lord and seeking His answers to modern day dilemmas.
This historic gathering of 50 professional Christian women convening from America and the United Kingdom was the inaugural She Leads America/United Kingdom leadership forum at Windsor Castle on June 1-3, 2024. It was held inside the grounds of Windsor Castle and coordinated by the St George’s College and Chapel. Women from top Christian and nonprofit organizations came together to discuss how to engage and mobilize communities of women to stand up with clarity, intelligence, and grace to bring Biblical values to bear on the key issues facing our countries.
Here we are pictured on the steps of St. George’s Chapel where Queen Elizabeth is buried. The highlight of the trip for me was playing my guitar in the choir loft of St. George’s Chapel and leading this group of people in singing, “Goodness of God” and “Majesty.” That was truly a heavenly sound in a strategic place!
The event was held inside the Vicar’s Hall, built in 1415, where William Shakespeare first performed the play “The Merry Wives of Windsor” for Queen Elizabeth I. The room was lined with the artwork of international artist and delegate Julie Ann Scott. The paintings were highlighted with splashes of orange in significan places, representing the hope of God by the artist. Remaining displayed for entire event, they were a reminder to those attending of the significance of the week.
Together we discussed Bringing the World Back to Life, Dignity of women, Ethnic Harmony and Sharing the Message thru Media. We laughed and cried and sought the Lord as His royal daughters.
I had the opportunity during the consultation to lead us in the song, “Release Me Oh Lord.” I only wish you could have heard these ladies as they sang it with all their hearts. “Release me, oh Lord, from everything that hinders me! Release me, oh Lord, and I will preach Your Word!”
This was a room full of experts on so many key issues we face today, issues of life, identity, fairness and protection of girls and women, the unity in diversity that our Lord’s glorious harmony brings, and how to employ all the social media tools and other communication tools in order to spread the Gospel of Jesus everywhere.
We also took time to enjoy the Castle –
touring the State Rooms and praying together in this amazing setting.
Here is Kathy Branzell, the leader of the United States National Day of Prayer task force, expressing for all of us a special thank you to Liz Doyle. The Lord spoke to Liz the previous year, as she and her husband Syd were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and attending a service at St. George’s, that this event should happen! And here we were, thanks to her obedient, bold faith in the Lord!
We concluded the trip with an honor tea for Christian Women of Distinction from the United Kingdom. Two of the honorees (pictured here to the right) are Kristyn Getty who is world famous for singing the beloved hymn “In Christ Alone.” Also enjoying the honor is Shaneen Clarke, who is a key leader among UK women who are making a difference through their faith and action.
Pictured here with me are Jolene Hodder, who is a commissioner in the Salvation Army. She nominated her colleague, Shelly, also an officer in the Salvation Army, to receive the Christian Woman of Distinction honor.
Altogether an astonishing group of people who are serving Jesus with all their hearts. May the Lord continue to reveal His strategies as we spread the news of Jesus to all the world!
Love in Him,
Nancy Honeytree Miller
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