Honeytree in person 2025

Sundays, if I’m not on the road, you can find me leading worship at Calvary Christian Fellowship at 10:30 am. The church meets in the Community Center, 233 West Main Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Parking is off Berry Street next to Cindy’s Diner. You’re welcome! Come and join us! Sunday School begins at 9:30 am.  

January 29, MICHIGAN – Attention ladies of all ages – start your year with a beautiful dinner, inspirational messages and music from two wonderful She Leads America “Christian Women of Distinction” who are joining us for Dinner at the Centre in Adrian, MI, January 29th.  
Civil rights advocate, pro-life leader and niece of Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Alveda King, has a fascinating story of how she came to a personal faith in Christ that has informed her efforts toward “Bringing the world Back to Life,” as she promotes the dignity of women while promoting ethnic harmony globally.
Nancy Honeytree has been called the “First Lady of Jesus Music”. As a pioneer of Christian contemporary music, she has been writing, singing and recording life changing music that has gone throughout the world. 
You don’t want to miss this – bring your friends for this incredible time together. Must register for this event, please call Liz Doyle at 704-451-6299.

January 30, MICHIGAN. She Leads Michigan Women on the Hill Appreciation Breakfast will take place at 8 – 10 am in the Makinac Room of the Anderson House Office Building, Lansing, Michigan. Special Guest: Dr. Alveda King plus legislators to be honored. Honeytree will bring special music. Must register for this event by contacint Liz Doyle at 704-451-6299

February 2 INDIANA – please join us for prayer from 5-8 at PrayerWorks, the 24/7 prayer room located in Electric Works, 1626 Broadway Street, Suite 135, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. This is a recurring meeting (every first Sunday of the month) , hosted at PrayerWorks by She Leads Indiana. Come and pray for a movement of honoring in the love of Jesus, and pray for the state of Indiana. Honeytree and others will lead worship. 

February 7 – 9, HONDURAS – Honeytree will be the guest speaker at the staff retreat for Lamb Institute, a wonderful ministry that rescues at risk children and brings them up in the Lord all the way through transitioning into adult life. 

March 23, INDIANA – Kevin Kellogg and Honeytree will return to The Olde York Church and be in concert at 4 pm (Sunday afternoon.) Don’t miss this beautiful country church atmosphere with its friendly, spontaneous audience. You will love the experience! 8470 E 300 N, Fremont, IN 46737

Thanks to Jesus for every open door!

Honeytree’s new singles


What a privilege to sing these iconic words of Jesus from the last book of the Bible! I love the E minor 9th groove of this song, which I could listen to for days on end! But much more than that, these words are very personal to me. Back in 1970 on the day I bowed my head to receive Jesus my Savior, my eyes were closed, in my mind I saw myself in a dark room. I was peeking through a door and Jesus was on the other side! He knocked on the door of my heart! When I said, “Okay”, Jesus came into my heart and I have never been the same!


Honeytree collaborates with Pakistani worship leader, Zubin Ernest, to create a new version of Call of the Harvest. She is delighted with the youthful energy and rich Pakistani sound! Zubin created the track in Karachi and asked Honeytree to sing with him, which she recorded at Sweetwater sound in Fort Wayne – quite a long distance collaboration! They have even managed to create a video, though filming on distant shores. Praise the Lord!

New Releases from Honeytree

Honeytree’s new song, Jesus People, is a call to rise up once again and fulfill the calling on our lives! Calling all the warriors, warriors for Jesus! Phil Keaggy brings rocking electric guitar power and vocals to join Honeytree in this anthem. It’s time to rise up and be the army of Jesus today!

Walk With Me is the first song Honeytree was able to write after her husband of 28 years, J.R. Miller, went to be with the Lord in 2018. Walk With Me is a moving declaration of the healing we receive by faith in Father God and the joy we find in sharing His comfort with others.

Honeytree is working toward releasing a CD, of which the title song will be Walk With Me, 12 songs gathered around the theme of grief recovery. There will also be a companion book to share the stories of each song.

Acompañame is the Spanish version of Walk With Me. Honeytree composed this song in Spanish first and then translated it to English. The Spanish version tells the story of Ruth and Victor Martinez, who first influenced Honeytree to sing in Spanish. Victor went to be with the Lord a year after Honeytree’s husband. Ruth and Nancy are currently working together in an online grief recovery ministry in Spanish called Legado de Acompañamiento

Worship with Honeytree and Kevin Kellogg

Kevin Kellogg and I had a great time on Sunday afternoon, February 14 doing this concert together of Honeytree songs and worship tunes – actually it was kind of spur of the moment, but we’ve been playing together for so long now that we just played some of our favorites! Fun!  


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